50th Anniversary Report
Fifty years ago, the National Institute of Building Sciences was established by the U.S. Congress in the Housing and Community Development Act, Public Law 93-383. At that time, Congress recognized the need for an organization to serve as an interface between government and the private sector – a resource to those who plan, design, procure, construct, use, operate, maintain, renovate, and retire physical facilities.
Our enabling legislation calls for NIBS to convene industry leaders to examine and build alignment on issues challenging our future. Specifically, our mission is to serve the public interest by advancing building science and technology to improve the built environment.
Throughout 2024, we are celebrating five decades of service to the nation. This includes, but is not limited to the built environment professionals and stakeholders we continue to serve, the projects we’ve touched and continue to develop, the relationships we have managed, and the reports, standards, provisions, and systems we have created with the help and expertise of our esteemed Board of Directors, members, volunteers, and councils.
Pages: 28
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