After a six-year hiatus, NIBS brought back the in-person Building Enclosure Science and Technology conference on March 19-20.
Building enclosure experts and BEST6 attendees didn’t miss a beat.
The conference took place at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol in Austin, Texas.
This year’s theme was “The Next Generation of Building Technology… more

The Building Enclosure Science & Technology (BEST6) Conference is just a month away – March 18-20, at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol!
Room discounts for our hotel block conclude Friday, February 23.
The BEST6 theme is "The Next Generation of Building Technology," focusing on the impact of climate change on building enclosures, new… more

NIBS has released the schedule for the Building Enclosure Science & Technology (BEST6) Conference March 18-20, at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol.
The conference theme is "The Next Generation of Building Technology," focusing on the impact of climate change on building enclosures, new techniques in building design and construction,… more

We want to take this moment to thank you for following and supporting the National Institute of Building Sciences.
The greater built environment is critical to our work to ensure the nation remains healthy, resilient, sustainable, and prepared.
This year, we developed a new three-year strategic plan to guide the organization. Our goals are… more

Because of COVID-19, many buildings have sat empty for the better part of a year, and there are possible health risks tied to the return of these unoccupied spaces.
On April 20, 2021, the National Institute of Building Sciences hosted a panel of experts to discuss how the building industry must recalibrate and adjust to a post-pandemic world. The… more