Resilience 2021: Building Resilience through BIM
Oct 19, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
Virtual Meeting
The built environment is being challenged by many trends and disruptors: digital transformation, off-site manufacturing, sustainability concerns, an aging workforce leading to lack of skilled labor, as well as COVID-19, which is affecting the health, safety, and well-being of workers.
Organizations must remain resilient to meet challenges and continue to grow and flourish.
To become resilient, we must respond and adopt new ways of thinking and working. Building information modeling (BIM) can help address the climate, urbanization, performance and skills shortage challenges, alongside the implementation of many best practice approaches. Organizations that seize this opportunity will be able to compete successfully in global markets.
If BIM is not yet part of your business strategy, join our webinar to learn critical information to help you build with BIM. Our panelists will explore:
- Fundamentals of building information modeling
- Why your organization should adopt BIM and what the benefits are
- Where you should start if you do not have a BIM strategy
- The National BIM Standard-United States (NBIMS) core requirements & BIM ISO 19650