
This position paper, written and published by the NIBS Digital Twin Integration Subcommittee (DTI-S), encourages the integration of…

Enclosed in this Annual Report to the President of the United States you will find an overview of everything the National Institute of…

The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) serves as the unbiased forum for solving common issues and identifying…

As part of the 2024 Moving Forward Report, the Consultative Council examined the fundamental problem of housing affordability in the…

Fifty years ago, the National Institute of Building Sciences was established by the U.S. Congress in the Housing and Community…

As part of the 2024 Moving Forward Report, the Consultative Council is exploring the topic of “Water and Sanitation Access and the…

With the support of Fannie Mae, the National Institute of Building Sciences has developed a roadmap on mitigation investment to help…

Following the January 2021 FEMA P-2090 / NIST SP-1254 Recommended Options for Improving the Built Environment for Post-Earthquake…

In December 2020, the National Institute of Building Services (NIBS) held a social equity roundtable with more than two dozen…

Enclosed in this Annual Report to the President of the United States you will find an overview of everything the National Institute of…